FabFilter Timeless 3 online help
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FabFilter Timeless 3 Help
Using FabFilter Timeless 3
Drag-and-drop modulation slots
Full Screen mode, resizing and scaling
Purchasing FabFilter Timeless 3
Purchasing FabFilter Timeless 3
Input/output options
Next to the MIDI learn button, the bottom bar contains various input/output options and settings.

The Channel Mode button switches between the default Left/Right mode or Mid/Side mode. In Mid/Side mode, the left and right stereo channels are first converted to mid (mono content) and side (stereo content) signals. These are then processed separately in each channel. At the end of the processing chain, the signal is converted to normal stereo again. When in Mid/Side mode, Wet Pan, Input Pan and Output Pan will pan in the M/S domain as well.
When Auto Mute Self-Osc is enabled, the possible self-oscillation introduced by the non-linear filters will be muted automatically when the filter stage's input becomes silent. Otherwise, with extreme peak settings, filters could keep on self-oscillating long after the plug-in has stopped processing audio.
The Global Bypass button lets you bypass the entire plug-in. While most hosts already provide the ability to bypass plug-ins, our internal global bypass applies soft bypassing to avoid clicks. While the plug-in is bypassed, the frequency analyzer and delay display feedback stops and a red line at the top of the bypass button appears.

As soon as you hover the mouse over the output button, right next to the bypass button, a panel with large input/output/pan knobs will pop up:
- Input level/pan
The input reading in the output button shows the current (wet) input gain and lets you adjust it from -36 dB to +36 dB. To change the gain, you simply drag the input reading in the output button in the bottom bar up and down. For precise adjustments, or to change the panning, hover over the output button or click it once to access the input gain/pan knobs. The input gain and pan knobs are also modulation targets. - Output level/pan
The output reading shows the current (wet) output gain, also adjustable from -36 dB to +36 dB. It works the same as the input reading and knobs and is also a modulation target. Note that you can overdrive the filters by increasing the input gain and reducing the output gain at the same time.
Next: MIDI learn
See Also