FabFilter Simplon online help
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FabFilter Simplon Help
Using FabFilter Simplon
Purchasing FabFilter Simplon
Manual installation
When installing FabFilter Simplon, the installation program will try to copy the plug-in into the appropriate plug-ins folders, and in most cases your host will recognize FabFilter Simplon automatically. Otherwise, please follow these instructions:
On Windows, most hosts have their own VST plug-ins folder. So if you are using Windows and your host does not recognize FabFilter Simplon, you need to locate the proper plug-ins folder for your host first (it is usually shown in the Preferences or similar dialog). Then, copy the file FabFilter Simplon.dll from C:\Program Files\FabFilter\Simplon (or C:\Program Files (x86)\FabFilter\Simplon if you are using a 32-bit host on 64-bit Windows) to the plug-ins folder that you have found and restart the host so it can reload all its plug-ins. The VST3, CLAP, and AAX plug-ins are installed in the standard plug-in folders on your computer.
You can simply uninstall plug-ins or bundles via the Control Panel.
On macOS, plug-ins are installed in the standard plug-in folders in the system Library folder. These are the only possible correct locations:
- Audio Units: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components
- VST/VST3: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST and /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3
- CLAP: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/CLAP
- AAX: /Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins
Note: AU and VST/VST3 plug-ins may also be placed in the user's Library folders under /Users/<username>/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins.
To uninstall the plug-ins from your Mac, you can just delete the specific FabFilter plug-in files at the above locations. Finally, if you really want to delete all data written by our plug-ins, you can remove the following folders/files as well:
- /Users/<username>/Documents/FabFilter/Presets/Simplon
- /Users/<username>/Library/Audio/Presets/FabFilter/FabFilter Simplon
- /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/FabFilter/Simplon
- /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/com.fabfilter.Simplon.1.plist
Note: Since OS X 10.7 (Lion), the system and user Library folders are marked as hidden by default. To make them visible again in Finder, open Terminal (found in /Applications/Utilities) and enter the following commands:
chflags nohidden /Library chflags nohidden ~/Library
If you still have problems, contact FabFilter Support
Next: License Agreement
See Also
Quick start