FabFilter User Forum

1.01 update - critical bug fix

Hi all,

We've released a critical 1.01 update for FabFilter Volcano. It turned out that all filter characteristics except 'FabFilter One' were loaded incorrectly. This 1.01 update fixes that and lets you enjoy Volcano as we intended it!

Please download it now... it is worth it.

Oh my =) That's SOME difference. I thought the differences between the other filters were too subtle for me to hear through my Koss PortaPro headphones =) (haven't had the time to try Volcano out with my studio monitors yet!).

This makes Volcano even more... addictive!


Wow! Huge difference. The other filter algos complement really well the fabfilter one filter.

About the 1.1 update, I see that midi-note triggering is planned for EG and LFO. Could you please make it also so that it's easy to 'play the cutoff' with midi notes, getting a perfect normal 12 tone scale with it? This would essentially make volcano a nice oscillator for modular hosts! :)



With the 1.01 update and 1.1 on the horizon I just couldn't resist any more. For some weird reason my visa card just popped out of the vallet and hypnotised me.. damn. ;-)




I've just installed the 1.01 version and, to be honest, can't really hear much difference from the previous version. Do I need to uninstall 1.00 before installing 1.01 or am I simply a cloth-eared idiot!


Hi Dale,

You don't need to uninstall the 1.00 version first -- check the version number and build date in Help|About to be sure. The sound difference is only with the Smooth, Hard, Raw, and Hollow filter characteristics, especially at higher resonance values.

Thanks Frederik,

Tried it again, turned up the resonance, and yes, there's a very noticible difference. I'll give it a thorough trial this weekend.

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