FabFilter User Forum

Twin Polyphony

Love Twin - bought it just after Komplete and frankly for pleasure of programing and overall sound, it is my synth of choice over massive, FM8, Absynth, Symptohm and all the other ones in my plugin folder...

Please can we have more polyphony!
I love the unison but on a 7th pad with an octave bass (6 keys) and 8x unison (which is lovely!), that's 48 voices and with a max of 32, there's 2 notes not played - this makes no sense for a pad. Even with a 4 note chord, the release is chopped when you play another chord.
Please can we have 128+ polyphony!!
Please please please...

Rob Spaull

Hi Rob,

We'll think about it for a future update release! :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)

Bumping this topic. Twin 2 needs more voices. Seriously, this is a silly limitation.


We agree! I've put it on the list of features for a future Twin update.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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