FabFilter User Forum

twin 1 crash

i get a lot of crashes with Fabfilter Twin 1 in Ableton LIVE 8 since 8.01 and now 8.03 (and even the latest beta 8.04b4)
Twin 1 work perfect in LIVE 7...
So i dont' know if it's related to live or not...
I can send a crash log if needed...


Hi commuter,

Yes, it would be great if you could send us a crash report! Do these crashes also happen with our latest plug-ins?


Floris (FabFilter)

no problems :-)


by the way, i haven't upgraded yet,
i own One, Twin 1, Pro C and volcano 1


sorry , i haven't sent the crash log yet (no time to make it crash for the moment, i'm back on LIVE 7 which work perfectly, will do ASAP, some important work to do)...But Ableton told me there's definitely an issue..they're investigating it.....


Thanks commuter! Just send the crash log when you have the time for it! :-)

Floris (FabFilter)

Any news from the ableton side ??




LIVE 8.04 has just been released and it still crash..



no news=good news ??


This maybe a problem with your set up because I have been using twin 1 with live 8.0.1 to 8.0.3 no problems...


... we're trying yo get in contact with Ableton about this, but they haven't responded to our e-mails yet :-|

From the few crash reports we received, we can see that the crash doesn't occur in our software, but initiates within Ableton Live itself. It may still be associated with our plug-ins though. But because we did't manage to reproduce the crash ourselves, we can't do anything about it Ableton doesn't help us...


Floris (FabFilter)

they told me they were in touch with you ???
Strange ??

in fact LIVE 8 is unusable for me..
lots of crash, not only with your products but also with Gforce Minimonsta.....

i'm back using LIVE 7 which work great....



Are you on PC or MAC ??

...i've tried on 3 differents MAC, so it's not a problem with my setup..because it works great with LIVE 7 on the same machines......
i've also tried on windows XP and no problems at all with fabfilter products...


Hi commuter,

If you have a direct e-mail address from the person at Ableton you are in contact with, or if you have a support case number from them, it would be great if you could e-mail us that info!


Floris (FabFilter)

I am on pc. I have used twin 1 quite a bit since I got live 8 (which I got the second day it was out).

No probs...


@little pig,
that's what i said..., the problem is on the mac side, i already said there's no problems on the windows side..


hi guys,
I don't know if you managed to work hand in hand with Ableton, but the problem seems to be solved with the latest LIVE 8 beta 8.05b4..
I'm doing further tests to be sure...but for the moment, all is ok....



Yep! We've been in close contact with Ableton and they've found a fix for your crash :-)


Floris (FabFilter)

i'm really happy , no more crashes with the latest LIVE beta..

Thanks guys !!!


regarding this crash fix from ableton, can you please advise what is required - i get problems with Timeless 2 on Live 8.04 on 10.4.11 OSX - keen to learn how to stop this ! Thanks


The fix came with one of the first 8.05 beta..
But now with the two latest beta (10 and 11) i still get a lot of crashes with Twin 1.....but also with a lot of other plugins....so..


Hi guys,

We thought that the crashes we're solved in version 8.05, but clearly there not. I've just sent the guys at Ableton an e-mail about it and hope we will be able to solve the problem together...

We'll keep you updated!

Floris (FabFilter)

thanks a lot for taking care of that issue!




8.05 is here and it's still crashing with your products...

Are you still in contact with ableton about this.??..
It's very annoying...
It work really well in LIVE 7 and even in LIVE 8.05 but on Windows.....But i don't want to go back to windows....

Thanks for any update about this issue....



any news??



Hi commuter,

We're in contact with Ableton again, but the main problem is that both Ableton and us aren't able to reproduce the bugs :-(

If you have a new/different simple Ableton song again, using only FabFilter Plug-ins, with which you can reproduce a crash every time, please send it to us and to Ableton again....


Floris (FabFilter)

The problem is that it's really random with fab twin 1

But a simple way to make it crash is the following :
Load a Fabtwin 1, load a sound, switch on the oscillator 1 phase sync on, and then duplicate the track =
Boom = instant crash..
Sometimes it's more random and happen with other control on the GUI..

i'm little fed up...i've sent TONS of Crashlogs to Ableton...with detailed explanations to reproduce the crash........I feel a bit cheated...

It happen to a friend of mine with TWIN 2 too....
i'm not using Twin anymore because of this, which is a shame....



Don't know if this has come up earlier, but the crashes seem to occur only with the AU versions of our plugins. So, you could try to use the VST versions instead until we've found a solution. They run equally well on an OS X version of Live.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Latest news: Ableton is able to reproduce the crash now and is working on a fix.


Frederik (FabFilter)

thanks a lot.



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