FabFilter User Forum

Volcano doesn't recieve Midi-in


I would like to use KB Track or the Envelope Generator in Volcano 2 triggered by midi, but i get no midi-in signal. Does it work on any platform? I try it on Sonar5, Logic8 and Orion7.

When i use Volcano as an Instrument, the virtual Midi-in LED is flashing. But as a effect plugin nothing happens.

greets daniel


In sonar, at least, you have to configure Volcano as a synth (go to the plug-in manager). Then it can have it's own dedicated midi track, sending whatever triggers you want.


In Logic you'll need to instatiate Volc2 as a MIDI Controlled Effect (in the Input slot of an Audio Instrument channel strip); then send audio into it via the sidechain.


"instantiate", rather


That's it. Thanks a lot Paul!

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