FabFilter User Forum

Volcano 1.00 released!

We are proud to annouce the release of Volcano 1.00. Download the trial version right away and try it!


The FabFilter Team


Congratulations FF on the release of Volcano.....absoloutely stunning!....I'm officially filter freaked!...I know this is subjective but this is the best I've ever heard in the digital realm and had the pleasure and fun of playing with....so much flexibility,smooth and mellow or let it rasp and rip.



Just tried the demo of volcano and as expected, it sounds amazing. However, just like the original fabfilter one, you've missed some very obvious opportunities with the software. Why on earth isn't there a normal ADSR which is MIDI NOTE TRIGGERABLE?? This is one very basic function which should ALWAYS be in a filter plugin. Same goes with the LFO's which should be midi NOTE triggerable to start their phase from 0 on each note trigger.

You might get my money, again, jus because of the sound but I'm really starting to get worried here.. how on earth haven't the beta testers noticed the lack of these very basic features? I get a distinct feeling of people in lab-coats that come up with these fantastic sounding algorithms but please consider hiring some down to earth musicians to beta-test the software for basic functionality.

All this may sound a bit harsh but in the end, sound counts, and that's obviously where the time has been spent, so, well done guys!



I tried it today and I think it's great! As usual, sound quality is fantastic and the user interface is IMO very intuitive.

I found some bugs though. I'm getting some serious CPU spikes in my host - Ableton Live 4.1.2 (I'm using a Sony Vaio P4 2.8GHz laptop). On one occasion while testing the stereo panning effects seemed to be randomly turned on and off. I haven't been able to recreate this bug.

When I first saw the screenshot of Volcano I thought the 'interactive filter display' would be animated according to how the filters are modulated (like in some Reaktor ensembles). Perhaps this could be implemented in the future? :)


hi bManic,

We are already planning a 1.01 update that will add a few missing features, and we'll consider the MIDI trigger as well! Unfortunately we had to cut a few features to make this release, but that doesn't mean we'll never do it.

What other features do you think are missing?

Well, mainly I'd like to controll the filter cutoff trough midi note messages. This way you can make the filiter 'sing' a melody with a midi keyboard. It's especially important with your filter which has lovely self-oscillation! Actually, why not just extend the midi learn to recognize midi notes too? Then you could control ANY paramter with midi notes. Just make sure that it's in a proper scale so that the cutoff knob plays proper semitones.

Also, triggering the lfo and envelope from midi note messages is a must for maximum creative potential. Just add a tiny button at the lfo and envelope follower to make them respond to midi note on messages.

Finally, is there any way to make the tempo sync of the LFO's to be tripplets and dotted notes? This seems to be missing too.



Effin' amazing work folks. Thank you! I thought the presets sounded great, then I began twisting some knobs myself and I've gotta say, Volcano absolutely spews molten lava!


Hey bManic! Could you send me an e-mail; I would like to ask you some questions... thanks!

Cheers, Floris


email sent :)


I agree with bManic. Midi triggering of the envelope is a must for me.

Once this is added you've got another customer.


... will be added in version 1.1, coming soon!


Floris (FabFilter)

Awesome news! You've got my money now, that's for sure!



While tweaking parameters of the Volcano demo it is still randomly causing cpu spikes (just now ableton live 4 cpu meter stated an insane 1304% cpu usage) which freeze my computer (p4 2.8ghz 512mb) to a near halt.

When I remove the plugin, the host is functioning normally again. Will this be fixed? I cant figure out what is causing the bug. Has anyone else experienced this? Denormal problem perhaps?


jah! we'll look into it as soon as possible! Thanks for reporting this bug.

Floris (FabFilter)

jah, can you e-mail us? Your e-mail address doesn't seem to work and I would like to ask you some questions about the CPU spikes in Live.

Fabfilter Company, I have an interesting question: what did the interface of the Volcano 1 plugin look like, that is, the interface of the very first version of this plugin? I also wanted to know what the interface of the Timeless 1 and Twin 1 plugins looks like, the first versions of these plugins I guess were not known as their updated versions.

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