FabFilter User Forum

Twin 2 Audio Inputs


When setting up side chain in Twin 2 in Ableton Live, there are two sets of inputs - 1/2 and 3/4. 1/2 go to the sidechain, but it's not clear where 3/4 go. Anything we should know about!




Hi S,

Strangely enough, many commercial hosts such as (Pro Tools or Logic) don't expect instrument plug-ins to have side-chains; they only show a side-chain drop down menu in the plug-in header if a plug-in offers more than 1 input (like an effect plug-in with side-chain does).

So the 'extra' 3/4 inputs actually do nothing different with the audio; they have just been added to make sure that hosts display side-chain options for the plug-in...


Floris (FabFilter)
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