FabFilter User Forum

Volcano 2 - wow!

Serious, serious, serious!

Guys - I was lucky enough to get this 2nd hand, and it is a great piece of software!

I have been mulling over what filters to get my hands on for some time, and was goin ground in circles, til I happened to see an ad for this. Glad I jumped on it.

I'm a singer songwriter, mainly doing rock, but have a couple of collaborative projects on the go which are more electronic, and Volcano 2 is just the ticket.

Anyway, just scratching the surface, so any tips/hints welcome!

Andy Mitchell

BTW, my set-up is PTLE 7 on PC with the VST RTAS wrapper.... just managed to get a free upgrade to PTLE 8 which is great news... So I'll be installing that some time soon when I get a chance

Andy Mitchell

Hi Andy,

We just added a tutorial video for Volcano 2 in the video section of our support pages, maybe that will help you to get started:


Also, the manual for Volcano 2 contains quite a lot of tips and tricks of course! Here's the online version:



Floris (FabFilter)
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