FabFilter User Forum

Q4 4.02 broke midi mappings?


the new version seems have broken all my midi controller mappings that I had setup for Q4. My controller hasn't changed but the knobs now do totally random stuff after the update. What used to be frequency now deletes dots or high cut steepness now turns that band on/off and all sorts of other things. Very strange.
I guess I'll have to midi re-learn the entire setup.

Anyone else?


The previous updates of Q4 didn't do this. Could there be something broken?


What's also weird is that the EQ kurve now extends beyond 20k underneath the meters so that my low cut can be dialled beyond 20k and then sits under the 5.1 meters. Never noticed this before but mayb it has always been this way...


Where can I find the v4.01 installer? I want to roll back.

Thank you!


I think I found the cause. This version seems to fall back to the default preset location which is inside the application support folder. I had mine set to the documents folder and every update so far kept it there. This version when you start it initially seems to go to the on in application support and grab whatever default preset you saved there ages ago. After recalling saving a few random presets the root preset folder set itself back to my documents folder where my actual default setup is stored. Hence it seemed like the midi mapping was gone. it was simply an old preset being recalled on launch.


Thanks, Hans, for sharing the solution you found. I have exactly the same problem. I reported it to MP MIDI, and they asked me to try a few things and report back. Specifically, they suggested trying the VST2 version instead of VST3. They also wanted to know what happens when you automate Pro-Q 4 outside of the MP MIDI host. They asked me to write some automation, save the project, and then reopen it to check if the automation is saved and recalled correctly. I haven’t had time to try these steps yet, but it seems like FabFilter needs to address this issue.

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