FabFilter User Forum

Oscilator Phase In Twin 2

Hello! I hope the new Twin has the abbility to change the start sync phase of the oscilators.

Looks very nice, althought.

Will download the demo now.


Hi Beto,

Like Twin 1, you can synchronize the start phase of the oscillators with the incoming MIDI event, but it will be set to a predetermined fixed phase value, so you can't change it arbitrarily.

We tried this earlier and our conclusion was that it didn't make a large/interesting enough difference to warrant an extra parameter...


Frederik (FabFilter)

detuned oscillators that are reset at note on can be used to create a transient when the sound is triggered. The starting phase can control the sound of this transient.

In a more complex sound, you can have for example a saw oscillator, and an inverted sine oscillator at the same pitch. Tune them both to -1 octave. This will give you a 'denser' saw oscillator.

You can take two saw oscillators with different phase to create a pwm sound. Now if you modulate the detune of one of the oscillators with the mod wheel, you can make the pwm change into a supersaw style sound, and then back into pwm.

With three saw oscillators that are detuned in the supersaw fashion the transient can differ greatly with a different starting phase and it's important to be able to get the 'perfect sound' sometimes.


I second this, I find osc phase control to be an extremely important parameter. I'm very suprised that y'all came to this conclusion that it wasnt significant enough to warrant a control for this parameter. It can make a big difference, most of which have been well-described in the preceding post. I think this should be a very high-priority addition to the next update

Patrick Elliott

Noted! :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)
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