FabFilter User Forum

Urgent Problem: When Pro Q3 GUI is visible onscreen there is a problem

As the title states: When I am making slight adjustments to my kick-drum - the sound is very powerful and resonant 'when Pro-Q3 GUI is on the screen'. However, the moment 'Pro-Q3 is not visible on screen', the sound is slightly different, albeit very, very subtle (enough for me to notice after listening to an A & B comparison for nearly TWO HOURS)

It loses resonance and weight! There is a problem here - and it needs to be addressed...

If you don't believe me - try it yourself - you know it exists... this is not good!

Please try this yourself - I hope Pro-Q4 does not behave like this.

Please try - I'm not lying - there is a problem with this! turn it off and on like I did - and you will hear it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BTW: I don't mean turn Pro-Q3 off and on either. What I meant was: Make sure Pro-Q3 IS visible onscreen and then NOT visible onscreen - you know what I mean anyway.


I am on Sequoia 15.3.1_Logic 11.1.2_iMac_2019_64GBRAM_intel_i9_Scarlett_8i6_3rd_Gen


Focusrite Control


Also... ATM, I am using the multi-outputs from the DMX Oberheim (all of them) from Gforce Software.

And... I have a Pro-Q3 instantiated on the Kick drum (DMX 3-4)

Please don't tell me I am imagining it - I have been in this game for a VERY, VERY long time - and my ears are highly attuned to any discrepancy that appears in the frequency bands...

If you like I can send you a copy of this - and you can listen yourself.

I Iisten - and I know it is there - there is no denying it... please investigate this anomaly


Screw your null tests...

Because the range of a scale for measuring sound is so large, it is convenient to use a logarithmic (decibel) scale to combine and compress the huge range of pressure amplitudes that the ear can hear. Even the volume control variable resistors in a mixing console are made with the logarithmic relation between the position of the knob and the resistance of the potentiometer to obtain a natural “linear” perception in sound intensity change when adjusting the volume.

As a sound moves through the air, its pressure slightly increases and decreases. The size of these air pressure changes determines the loudness of the sound and is called the sound pressure amplitude.

This converter allows converting the sound pressure in pressure units into the sound pressure level in logarithmic units, which measure the effective pressure of a sound relative to the reference value of 20 μPa.


Hi L,

There should be no audible difference whether the Pro-Q display is open or not. If you are experiencing a difference please send us a video and detailed steps to reproduce.

Ralph (FabFilter)
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