FabFilter User Forum
Fabfiter Pro Q4 Resize
I can’t view the full plugin. Not even enough to get to the resize button.
I’ve tried uninstalling, deleting everything and starting again twice but still nothing.
The monitor I’m using is 27” so it can’t be that.
Any ideas?
Tom read — Feb 24, 2025
Hi Tom,
Interesting! We had one person that ran into this issue with Logic but were unable to reproduce it consistently. For Ableton we are implementing a fix in a minor update. Which host are you using? Also would you be able to make us a short video that illustrates the issue?
Please send it to info@fabfilter.com
Thanks in advance!
Good day
I also have this exact issue in Logic - I'll update once I understand more on it.
I wonder if the issue stems from me select the 'large' size, then closing, then re-opening and logic restricting the window size.
I also encounter this problem in Logic. I cannot see or select any preset option menu. The bar with logo seem to have disappeared and I cannot get it back. Please suggest a solution
Same in Ni Maschine, but it is just the Vst3
Can you try entering this code in Terminal:
defaults write com.fabfilter.Pro-Q.4 ScalingAdjustments ""