FabFilter User Forum
Pro-Q 4 won't show up in plugin-list
I just bought the essentials yesterday. The compressor- and reverb-plugins are great, but the EQ, Pro-Q 4, won't even shoow up in the list of plugins. Every plugin i've downloaded earlier has just automatically spawned in Pro Tools, but this time alas.
I feel like i've tried almost everything. Uninstalled, reinstalled. Checked all possible folders for the source where PT get the plugin-information from. Copy-pasted the Dll-file to where it should be. I've even asked my teacher in sound engineering, who helped med "rescan" the PTs plugin source-folder. Still no progress.
The problem seems to be that the Pro-Q 4 "Installed"-file is missing from this folder, and I don't know where to find it. Does anyone have a solution?
Hi Hans,
Sorry to hear you are running into issues with Pro-Q 4. Could you give us a bit more information about your OS and which version of Pro-Tools you are using? Please send your info to info@fabfilter.com and use the "Pro-Q 4 won't show up in plugin-list (forum)" as topic and we'll have a look!