FabFilter User Forum

Twin 2 Side Chain

Hey Y'alllll!!!

First of all loving T2. That interface is just amazing. And the sound, of course, remains incredible.

I was trying out the side chain function in Ableton Live 7, using a kick to trigger an EG modulating cutoff and then OSC pitch. It took me forever to get it to work. The threshold function didn't do anything as far as I could here, and I had to boost the gain on the side chain input (i.e. the kick) in order to notice any effect at all (auditioning the side chain input produced a very weak version of the kick track, which was fairly loud to being with). Once I did manage to register the SC input, I notice that the EG was still being triggered by MIDI as well as the side chain. For example, with the EG modulating the pitch, playing a note resulted in a massive modulation, with the kick triggering the EG only after the note was played. In other words, it either seems as if MIDI trigger overrides SC trigger, or that SC trigger does not operate while a note is being played.

Sorry if my message is not that clear, its 2AM and I just wanted to make sure I sent a message in case it is a bug or if I am doing something wrong.

Congrats on a great product. Very happy with all the plugins, and extremely excited about T2!




Hi Stephan,

I just tried this and you are right: the side chain function doesn't work correctly in the EG. Sorry for this and we'll fix it in an upcoming update!

It should work well with an envelope follower though...


Frederik (FabFilter)

No problem - glad I could have been of some help!

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