FabFilter User Forum
Hi there, P-Q3 is supported by Softube Console 1. Did P-Q4 will be integrated in Console 1 soon ? BR
pascal Dubois — Feb 3, 2025
Hi there, P-Q3 is supported by Softube Console 1. Did P-Q4 will be integrated in Console 1 soon ? BR
Hi Pascal,
I think this is something Softube is probably implemented or are working on an implementation. That being said, I'm not sure what the status currently is. Best thing is to send them an e-mail. :-)
Hi Pascal,
We saw that Softube released a Console 1 update that now includes Pro-Q 4.
To utilize Pro-Q 4 within Console 1, ensure you have the latest software versions for both products. Once updated, you can assign Pro-Q 4 to the equalizer section of Console 1 geometrydashlitepc.io by holding the "Load Strip/Section" button, pressing the "Equalizer" section button, and selecting Pro-Q 4 using the red Volume/Select knob.