FabFilter User Forum

Migrating from Pro-Q 3 to Pro-Q 4 in Ableton

Hi there!

I have an Ableton 12 Live set with lots of Pro Q-3 instances, and I just bought Pro-Q 4. :)

Is there an easy way to migrate all my settings from Q3 to Q4?


Les Stuck

He Les,

Unfortunately not. We're still trying to find a way to make it work but don't have a solution yet as it proves to be quite complicated. For now, the best way to migrate your settings from Q 3 to Q 4 is to save your presets in Pro-Q 3 and opening them in Pro-Q 4.


Hi Maarten,

Thanks for your reply. I can imagine how it would be a difficult thing to code. :)

This workaround is perfectly fine. I just name the presets with a short prefix indicating the session, to keep things organized.

Nice EQ, btw!

Les Stuck
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