FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q4 bug issues

I'm having an issue with Pro Tools playback stuttering when there is an 'snapshot' automation change in one of the tracks.

Now I have pin-pointed the problem my work-around is un-write any automation changes that causes the playback issue.

I do hope that Fabfilter will release a de-bugging software update soon as, except for the stuttering, I am really enjoying using Pro-Q4.

Peter Collins

Extra info on above post -

I am using Pro Tools 2024.6.0 on an Apple Studio M2 Ultra 64GB RAM running Ventura 13.6.9.

Peter Collins

Hi Peter,

This is probably because the different snap shots use or don't use spectral bands. Enabling a spectral band when in zero latency mode will put just the spectral bands in linear phase mode, and this will introduce some latency. You can set the plug-in to linear phase mode in the bottom bar. This way switching to and from linear phase mode does not cause a click.

Ralph (FabFilter)

Thanks Ralph,

That is really good to know - much appreciated.


Peter Collins
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