FabFilter User Forum

Q4 and band solo

The implementation of the band solo feature could be improved. Please consider making it an on/off toggle. Mixing with a mouse or trackpad has many limitations, so having a proper button for this functionality would be much appreciated.

Morten Andersen

Hi Morten,

Thank you for your feedback! We've been considering this option but unfortunately a toggle brings along some potential issues and design hurdles. Namely, if you implement a toggle it would mean you'd have to design some sort display in the interface that shows which band currently has the solo function enabled. It would be very frustrating for the user to leave the solo toggle on and run into a situation where you forget which band has the solo function enabled. Without some sort of indication you'd have to skip trough all your active bands to find out which band has the function enabled. Until we think of a better solution, we'd rather leave it like it is.


I think it works flawless in the SSL Native X-EQ 2 and Crave EQ

Morten Andersen
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