FabFilter User Forum
Twin 3 slider positive mode ignores CC values 0-64
When using the slider mode "Positive (0 ... 1)", sliders ignore the lower half of the 8-bit MIDI CC value range 0-127. CC 0-64 results in a 0 value for the Twin3 slider, and CC 65-127 map to the full range of the slider.
This is when using Twin 3.05, with either Reaper 7.29 or Cubase 12.0.70.
This results in the lower half of MIDI controller physical sliders having no effect, which is undesired for performance context.
Is this indended? If so, why?
If not intended, is there a way get full range of the slider for a positive mapping (ie, without using the "Centered -1 ... 1" mode)?
If there is no workaround, I would like to request a new slider mode which maps the full range of 8-bit MIDI CC values to the full range of the slider.
Thanks & regards,
Hi David,
Good suggestion, we'll look into it!