FabFilter User Forum
Pro Q4 makes cubase 12 crash
Is there anyone but me that get these crashes? I use cubase 12 and when shutting down a project to reopen another, cubase crashes when opening the new project.
But also sometimes when using spectral dynamics, clicking the soectral.D button after unfolding the menu with the attack and release knobs ( and the rest) it sometimes make cubase crssh aswell... i have the 4.01 installed (latest so far)
Rango — Jan 6, 2025
Can you send us a crash report?
To save a crash log on Windows, right-click the taskbar when the crash has occurred, and click Task Manager. In the list of tasks, locate your host. Right-click it and click Create dump file. Save the file to disk, and send it to us with a service such as WeTransfer (it will be large).
I work in mac OS. How do i do it there ?
You can find all crash logs in the Console system utility. On the left side of the Console, open the User Diagnostic Reports. Here, you can see crashes of all applications, in the alphabetical order. Select the name of the crashlog (for example Cubase 8_2015-08-17-…), drag-and-drop it to the desktop (or somewhere).