FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q4 Filter Continuous Slope Adjustment


The continuous slope setting for all filter types is really great, but in order to make more practical use of this features, it would be great if the filter slope could be adjusted in 1 dB/oct steps by e.g. pressing the shift key and clicking on the filter slope field + moving the mouse up/down for a continous control of the slope.

Currently, by double clicking on the field and entering a value which is not 6,12,24 dB/oct etc. interupts the workflow quite a bit.

By pressing the shift key + click on the field and moving the mouse up or down, this would also make this feature controllable like a knob.


Oliver Gretz

Hi Ollie,

Thank you for your feedback. As it stands there is still quite a bit of resolution within 1 dB. Adjusting it in set values of 1 dB can be done by simply hovering your mouse. This sounds like a very specific use case. If there's more demand for this, we'll take it into consideration but for now, we'll leave it like it is. Hope you understand!

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