FabFilter User Forum
Soloing instance solution suggestion
I just had Idea about how soloing instanse could be achieved as Ralph mentioned that it would be hard to implement as a solo button for the reasons he explained in one of the the other threads but he said in this post that implementing disabling/enabling all instances at once with one button is possible . then soloing instance could be achived by placing disable/enable all instances button next to disable/enable button of only one instance as it is currently implemented.
then you could disable all instances and click enable only instance you want to hear next to it . so these buttons essentially would be nex to each other .
would that solution ?
Artour Kats — Dec 25, 2024
Hi Artour,
We've closely looked at solo and mute functionality, alongside other features like a global bypass. Unfortunately at the moment we did not find a workable solution, but maybe we'll look into this for a future version.