FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q-4 not working with Cubase 14 Pro

As the title suggests, I've had quite the headache getting newer FabFilter plugins to work since updating to Cubase 14.

I've tried everything imaginable, and I cannot get Cubase to see Pro-Q4 (or even 3 for that matter) in the plugin manager. I've reinstalled both Cubase and the plugins from scratch, I've checked the blocklist, I've rescanned all plugins, I've even installed the VST-2 versions of desperation but nothing has worked and they remain unseen in Cubase.

I thought that the recent Windows 24H2 update had something to do with some of this, because it messed with my iLok activations, so I rolled back, but that did nothing. Has anyone run into something like this, or perhaps has some advice on what else to try?


I am experiencing the exact same error.
I am using Cubase 14 Pro on a Mac OS Sonoma.
I have tried various solutions but have not been able to resolve the issue.
I am considering contacting the supplier.

Jin Nakamura

Are you not seeing Pro-Q 4 in the plug-in list? Please note that Steinberg has discontinued VST2 and only supports VST3. The VST3 version of our plug-in is called just "Pro-Q 4", unlike the VST2 version which is called "FabFilter Pro-Q 4". If you're searching under the f, or use the F for the type to search function, you will not find the plug-ins anymore. It will now be listed under the first name of the actual plug-in name.

Ralph (FabFilter)

It doesn't show up in the VST3 plugin list.
I've tried reloading it.

Jin Nakamura

Hey Ralph,

It looks like that was the issue all along. I found it in the plug-in list when searching using Pro-Q 4, and I was also able to add it to the channel strip. Thanks for the assistance and clarification!


Oh! Sorry. It was my mistake.
I overlooked the letters Pro Q4.
Thank you for your appropriate advice.

Jin Nakamura

Hey All,

I'm new to the fabfilter Family. I recently purchased the PRO-Q4 and I'm using it in Cubase 13 Pro. It does work but it tends to stall every 20 second (or so). That stalling state tends to last for about 5 to 10 seconds and then comes back while executing the last move that I was attempting to make prior to the "stall". The odd thing is, it doesn't do it all the time. It does it only in certain projects. I have yet to find a common denominator in which the stall occurs.

Any thoughts?

Thank you.

Lawrence Scott

Hi Lawrence,

Could you send a small screenshot of your issue to info@fabfilter.com? Please also include your system details, like OS version, exact host version, etc.

Ralph (FabFilter)

Hi Ralph,
Thank you for the fast response. I can get a screen shot but it'll just show the Por Q4 open in Cubase. I'll see if I can get a video clip as well as my system info to send to the info email.

Lawrence Scott
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