FabFilter User Forum
Q4 spectral mode delay
I have issues with the plug-in delay. If I use Q4 on a master DX bus, as I sometimes do with Q3, it changes the delay depending on how many bands are in spectral mode. And it's heard as a drop-out when you pass the point where the spectral mode kicks in. (I automate the plugin as needed for different scenes). Just one band in spectral mode adds around 5000 samples delay, and for each extra band some more. But the big difference is between no band and one. Just adding dynamics don't change the delay, just as with Q3. Pro Tools 2024.10.1
Thomas — Dec 17, 2024
Hi Thomas,
As soon as you make a band spectral, the processing for this band needs to use linear phase mode, so it incurs the linear phase processing latency around 5000 samples at 44.1 kHz if you use Medium processing resolution.
What you can do to avoid this during automation:
- Create the spectral band, but keep the dynamics disabled (using the little enable button at the 11 o'clock position around the gain knob) while you're not using it. You can freely automate this parameter.
- Or use linear phase mode throughout the session.
Multiple spectral bands will not further increase the latency, unless you use a combination of L/R and M/S bands: these need to be processed separately so will double the latency.
To add to this: I think we will mark the Spectral Enabled parameters as non-automatable in a future update as we generally do with all latency-affecting parameters.
OK, so if I use linear phase mode the delay will be the same throughout. Good enough
But it would be good if the Spectral Enable parameter is automatable, also separate from Dynamics. You would probably want to use the band in no dynamics, dynamics and spectral depending on content.
I work in post with long timeline.
I do post as well.
I'm happy to have found this tip... But I would also prefer to automate the spectral EQ engine...!