FabFilter User Forum
Pro C3 soon? Any news about that?
Now that Pro Q4 is here, do you think Pro C3 is in the making or in the pipeline to be released soon?
What y'all think?
Shrikant Utagi — Dec 16, 2024
Now that Pro Q4 is here, do you think Pro C3 is in the making or in the pipeline to be released soon?
What y'all think?
I have the same question. Its been a while since Pro-C2 has been released and competitor products have much more improved sound to it (especially on the side of analog emulation). Time to catch up, quickly.
I have a lot of expectations that Pro-C3 will be very different, it will take a big leap, especially in multichannel capabilities.
Noch such thing as „good analog emulation“ for plugins.
Please Fabfilter if you plan to making C3, don’t fall for the lies like other companies. Make a great sounding algo plugin with intelligent feature, yet straight forward.
Companies lie about plugins that supposedly sound analog all the time. People buy the lies. I don’t get it.
With the Pro Q4 out of the way, I think Apple is gearing up to launch the Pro C3 in the first half of next year. This kind of incremental improvement in product lines is often a big boost to Apple’s revenue and profits. If the Pro C3 can deliver what users expect snowridergame.org — improved battery life, stronger performance, and new features — it will be a good investment for the company. I’m excited to see what Apple brings to the table with the Pro C3.
Or course there is such a thing as "good analog emulation". Such nonsense.
I don't disagree that the focus should be on enhancing the usability and functionality of the plugin, over chasing some "magical" piece of analog gear... but to say that such things "don't exist" is absolute malarky.
That said, IMO Pro-C is a very difficult compressor to get any sort of "mojo" out of. I find myself using Logic's native compressor over Pro-C2 in just about every instance, as Pro-C has a pretty sterile, soulless tone IMO.
Actually, I heard back from FabFilter guys that sadly Pro C3 or L3 aren't coming anytime soon, because they just released Q4.
Well, since they release 1 plugin per year, 2 max...I don't think they will release anything in the next 6 months or even more.
I am looking forward to the Pro C3 launch soon. From <a href="smashyroad.org">smashy road</a>.