FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q4 Automation crashes Pro Tools 2024.10

After writing automation with Pro Q4 (with the "write to all enabled parameters" Pro Tools function), Pro Tools crashes when reading the automation. That makes it pretty difficult to use in post for now unfortunately...


For more precisions, when I write an automation by moving existing bands, it works. If I write a new automation snapshot where new bands are created, it crashes. I'm on Mac OS 14.7.1 on a Mac Pro 2019 with Pro Tools HDX.


I seem to have a similar issue - It's not crashing pro tools but does make the audio glitch/skip a little when automation changes.

I.e I've got a section of dialogue that automated a couple of curves coming in, perhaps crucially i am using a spectral band. I think that being automated in and then out again is causing the whole track to stutter when its brought in and out. It's doing this to the whole track rather than just the channel with the EQ on it, almost like some delay compensation is kicking in weirdly during the automation points...

So yeah, not that usable for me right now until this is made more stable. Also it seems at a glance the spectral setting isn't affect by automation? Although I may be wrong there.


Agree, there is an automation glitch when putting a band into spectral. If I use it on a master DX bus, as I sometimes do with Q3, it changes the delay depending on how many bands are in spectral mode. And it's heard as a drop-out. Just one band in spectral mode adds around 5000 samples delay, and for each extra band some more. But the big difference is between no band and one. Just adding dynamics don't change the delay, same as before.

Thomas Huhn

But I don't get any crashes. PT 2010.1 Mac OS 14.7.2. Intel

Thomas Huhn

Yes, having this issue a ton. I moved the plug in back down to 3 and things run smoothly.

Timothy Arndt

Im getting the same issue over 5000 samples of added delay compensation when there is even one spectral or dynamic band. I havent figured out the fix i guess for now i will just bypass it.


Roughly same issue here - I'm getting random crashes on playback and occasionally a repeatable crash when playing back across a point in the timeline where many ProQ parameters have been suddenly altered by a write from Preview.

I've been told by support to disable automation for any unused band controls and this seems to have almost entirely fixed the problem (I followed their recommendation and disabled all controls for Bands 11-24). Strangely in one session those unused bands had automation on them even though I had never used them, not sure if that's related.


It does seem to be related to automation and spectral bands.
I've had a further strange occurrence where spectral bands in Q4 will suddenly stop seeing "input" despite signal still passing through the plugin. If I change that band to simple dynamic it sees the signal and behaves as expected but returning to spectral causes the input to disappear again. A full restart of Pro Tools seems to be the only way to resolve this issue. However, the fear that these bands will cease to work once i've moved on from that section of the film does not engender great confidence that they won't suddenly disengage without my knowledge.

James Hansen
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