FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q4 Auv3 / App Store


I wanted to know if an Auv3 version of the new Pro-Q4 will be available in the App Store?
This is to have compatibility between iPadOS and macOS with Logic Pro.
Thanks for your feedback.
All the best from France,

Bertrand Allaume

Hi Bertrand,

Yes it will! We just haven't got the time to complete it yet. Expect it early in 2025.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi Frederik,

Is there any estimated timeline about this please?

Also, do you plan to include the q4 in the bundle thats currently in the appstore (which now includes Pro q3)?

Thank you!
Greetings from Austria



Hi Michael,

We don't have a release date but we're working on it.

Unfortunately it's not possible to add grace licenses to App Store purchases.

Ralph (FabFilter)
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