FabFilter User Forum
Pro-Q4 Feature Requests
I am here to co-sign bemanic’s feature requests - I would love to have these features as well - thanks for your consideration:
- A 'frequency macro' slider. Would work exactly like the main Gain Scale slider in the master section of the plugin. This would be exactly equal to selecting all EQ nodes and dragging the unified frequency knob. The advantage of a single frequency macro slider would be that you can easily automate tons of EQ bands positions with a single automation target instead of writing tons of them.
I noticed I want such a feature after creating the 'Musical LPF and HPF' filter presets. I love automating them and various things in a mix but hate that it creates so many automation lanes. Partially it's my fault for creating so many nodes for those presets but they are all needed to get the psycho acoustic filters to work correctly.
- a simple 'join' feature in the right click menu of EQ nodes, to complement the 'split' feature. This would allow us to quickly join separate L/R nodes.
- dynamics features visible in the instance list.. or in general visible when clicking the "amount" up/down arrow that you get beneath (or above) a dynamic band.
- stereo unlink feature for the dynamics section. This would treat all dynamics action as the node was separate L/R but it'd still be shown visually as a normal stereo node which would make it easier to move and less cluttered on the UI.
If I may I'd add
- A list/bottom row with all band settings like in Ozone/Kirchhoff.
- Mixed Phase mode
- Smoother Match EQ
- Phase Display not only for all pass
An amazing feature for future developments is, Stem separation inside of the EQ, and availability to EQ( dynamically or another mode) only to one of the Separated stems.
Thanks for sharing! <a href="sandtrix.io">sandtrix</a>
Please bring back the slope dropdown menu above the EQ points. It's such a simple thing and missing SO much! The lack of it breaks the workflow because the dropdown doesn't do anything, and we need to move the mouse down, then go back up.