FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q4 - (2024..Q4)

In preparation for tomorrow the 12th (release day) Pro-Q4 needs a fresh thread!



What features/info (etc) did you guys gather from that ^ vid?

I see a lot of peeps already comparing it to another popular(?) plug-in..


Looking forward to seeing what the brilliant FF guys have really added to Q4 vs Q3 (or any other..)..

Always exciting when Fabfilter release a new product - or, a next version to an already existing one.




I hate saying things are game changers, but having a list of all your EQ's across every track is a game changer.
It's what took me from excited to instabuy.


Yep! That is one of the things that interests me too..

Only difference with me is that I am 100% iOS - so will have to wait a little.. But I'm in no rush... So many plugins already..
And with Logic Pro on the iPad.. well.



Yes, this is awesome. There are other plugins like Neutron that span all tracks and interact with each other but none that come close to Pro Q features and ease of use. I feel ProQ4 will be leaps ahead of everyone else. Glad I purchased this long ago, when I did!

Jeffrey Harris

Up at 4am and waiting...

Staple plug-in for the @houzz_collective arsenal


The attack and release on the dynamic section should have it shown by milliseconds. It's showing how fast the attack and release is by %


Hi Dev,

In Pro-Q 4 we kept the automatic attack and release times that we had in v3; we just allow you to tweak them. So 50% is the "auto" setting, and you can shorten or lengthen the times as needed. We found that this is much easier to work with because you generally need longer times for low frequency work, and shorter times higher up in the frequency range.

Otherwise, if it was in ms, we would need to have a separate Auto on/off setting, and moving the band to a different frequency range would not immediately give the results you're most likely looking for.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Wow! This forum needs a dark mode man!
Where are my sunglasses..


I’m sure you will see many vids about Pro-Q4..
Here’s another:



Hey Fab,
You guys are fab (yes, pun intended).


P.S. - i O S - i O S - i O S..
I know we’ll see it ‘soon’ enough. Take your time..


Indeed you did manage, once again, to just fulfill what I was waiting for 🙂 Was the same thing with previous versions of Pro Q, while there always were some other plugins providing something more compared to the previous version, the waiting always paid off, as the integration is every time non-obstrusive, yet easy to use!

Also hit it perfectly this time, while Q3 was extremely useful, being able to define side-band for dynamic EQ and also having the spectral handling is really covering what I am after, all the while keeping it a really straightforward EQ plugin when nothing like that is required. Bravo!

I'd only wish I was as good at actually mixing as the quality of plugins I use 😂

Bernhard Gruber

Is there not inverse linking?

Scott Distelhurst

Pro Q4 is excellent. I would like to see an update that would allow as well Pro-Q3 instances to be included in the all pro Qs view feature of Pro-Q4. It is almost impossible for me to replace each instance of Q3 in my current project with a Q4 preserving the settings of each instance (I can only think of saving current settings, and then loading them in a new Q4 perhaps).

Alkeos Souyoul

The vid many wait for.. (D.W)



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