FabFilter User Forum
Plug-Ins Asking for License Key Multiple Times
I have owned Pro-Q3 and Pro-C2 for almost three years now. Every once in a while and specifically whenever I download a trial of an additional FF plugin, it asks me to re-authorize ALL plugins with License Key after a completely new instance of opening my DAW. Can't even do it whenever I have a session open. It's now doing it every other time I re-open Logic. Why is this? This is incredibly frustrating. It also causes our plugins to disable the track entirely until we copy and paste license key for the umpteenth time and restart the DAW. Can this bug be fixed please?
Christian Rosselli — Oct 25, 2024
Same problem.
You should not be asked to enter your license key every time you open your host. Could it be that you are using MacKeeper, CleanMyMac or any similar software? If so, that is almost certainly causing this issue. These apps claim to keep your computer clean, but they also delete important files like the ones in which we store our licenses. We strongly recommend that you uninstall these applications, which are widely considered to be malware, even by Apple itself: discussions.apple.com/docs/DOC-3036 .
I don't use any of those although I have in the past with Pro Q3 and there were never any issues. This is happening every time I install a new plugin in general. Once I restart and open my DAW, it rescans all my plugins for new ones, resulting in a reauthorization of each FF plugin.
It just happened again. I installed XRack and XVox from Nuro Audio and, sure enough, Pro C2 is asking me for my license key again. As I have an instance of this on my mix bus it seems to be disabling the track until I enter the key and restart my DAW.
Hi Christian,
That's strange. Installing new plug-ins should have no effect on the license files. Are you on Mac or PC?