FabFilter User Forum
Analyzer settings are not saved
Pro Q 3 Analyzer settings are not saved in the Default setting (Reaper)
Or am I doing something Wrong?
Morten Andersen — Aug 15, 2024
Pro Q 3 Analyzer settings are not saved in the Default setting (Reaper)
Or am I doing something Wrong?
I have the same issue ( in Wavelab ). Changed the tilt settings in both the default instance and in an instance used in my saved plugin chain. Both reset to the default setting, not the one I set.
That's strange. When you adjust analyzer or metering settings, these new settings should be applied to new instances as well. Plug-in instances that were already inserted will keep their original settings.
Are you on Mac or PC?
Hey Ralph,
Did some experimenting and I believe this could be a mixed WaveLab issue to be honest. When altering Pro Q3 in an existing chain and saving the chain, deleting the plugins from the clip, and then reloading the saved chain, the altered settings are not reflected. ( this also applies to stuff outside the analyser settings, like setting up a simple EQ bell
If I delete ProQ, save and remove the plugins from the clip, re-load the chain, add ProQ and set the correct settings, and then save the chain it is correctly saved.
This does not happen with other plugins then Pro-Q, there settings are correctly saved.
My problem is solved since I now have the correct saved settings, but there is something iffy going on somewhere between Pro-Q3 and WaveLab.
I'm on Mac by the way, M1 Pro, MacOS 14.6.1.
If needed I can help out with further troubleshooting and narrowing down the problem.