FabFilter User Forum

Timeless3 DelayTimePan modulation scaling non-linear. Bug?

Something is a bit strange with the modulation scaling of the delay time pan, compared to the rest of the delay time modulations which always seem to be linear.

With the knob in center position. Modulating it with a modulation value of 0.25 results in right delay time being 200% of left. (So adds 100%). Modulating it with 0.5 results in right delay time being 400% of left. (So adds 300%. Thus, the range 0-0.25 equals 100% addition, but the range 0.25-0.5 equals 200% addition). This makes it really hard to dial in things like 300%, or 150% since they do not correspond to 0.375 and 0.125 respectively. (And, actually, doesn't seem to exactly correspond to any modulation amount using three decimals.)

Meaning, among other things, it's not possible to sequence a delay time pan that alters between 1/4 and dotted 1/4 from a stepped xlfo for exact rhythmic stuff.

Is this really intended?

Patrik Rydberg

Hi Patrick,

What kind of modulation source are you using? The default position of a modulation slot is 0.160. When you use a slider to modulate the delay pan with a modulation level of 0.160, setting the slider to full (1.0) will move the delay from a quarter note to dotted.

Ralph (FabFilter)


Ehm, no it doesn't. Atleast not according to the tap display. If I modulate it from a slider with 0.16 as amount, it ends up somewhere a bit past dotted. (The third tap should line up with the delay time panned second tap. But it doesn't. Screenshot:

As always, mostly trying to get symmetric (but inversed) modulation of left/right channels from an LFO, but I'm testing with sliders as well.
(This is really easy to do in Timeless2, but seems impossible in Timeless3. This T2-patch is what I'm trying to replicate in T3:

The other problem with delay time pan not being linear is that it makes it pretty much impossible to get the movement from delay time/tap time to match the movement of delay time pan when modulating it from a sequencer/xlfo, since even if you get the max to match, the path taken to that max will be different when one parameter is linear, and one is not.

Patrik Rydberg

But again. What I really want is a change or option-button to have delay time pan affect both left/right channel times with equal amounts but opposite directions. So, if i set a 400ms delay time, and turn the pan knob 100ms right, I would end up with 500 ms in the right channel, and 300ms in the left channel. (Or 450/350 depending on how you would interpret the amount.) All of this is trying to find a way to achieve that in Timeless3.

To me, this makes a lot of sense for many applications. Like a stereo chorus for instance, I want the possibility for modulation of delay time pan to have symmetric time + corresponding pitchshifts up/down in the left/right channels, not like now, where one channel is stationary while the other is being modulated.

Patrik Rydberg
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