FabFilter User Forum

Delay Compensation

I have an issue with the delay compensation and the FabFilters plug-ins.
I work on Protools in Post-Production.
As soon as I insert any FabFilter plugin on one of my routing folders, the delay compensation switch to 0 as if it was disabled (and the sound is played earlier).
As soon as I make the insert inactive, the delay comp comes back to normal.
It's happening with any and only FabFilters plugins and strangely on only one of my routing folders.
I would really appreciate if you could help.
Thanks !

Sylvain Rety

Wouldn’t call myself an expert on this but I had this issue using the linear phase mode on proq3. My Logic settings had compensation on for only audio and software instrument tracks which means it doesn’t compensate for high latency plugins. I had to switch that to compensation “all.” Very easy fix. This creates a lot of latency when recording but since you’re in post production it shouldn’t be an issue. Not sure if that’s your issue since I’m not familiar with protools settings. Good luck though.


Hi Sylvain,

Sometimes when you add a plug-in to a track the delay compensation gets moved up or downstream. Could you send us a small video of the issue? And possibly a project file?

Ralph (FabFilter)

Hi Ralph and thanks for your feedback about my issue on the delay compensation.
As requested, here is a video of the problem and the ptx file of my session.

Thanks for your help,
Best regards !

Sylvain Rety

Sylvain Rety

Hi Sylvain,

It seems to be an issue with the MIDI outputs of tracks /rvb fx 1 C and /rvb fx 2 C. The MIDI output is sent to the //mx track . It seems that this MIDI send causes an issue with the delay compensation. If you make these tracks inactive or set the midi output to none the //mx track will get compensated properly.

A good trick is to set a click track on the busses feeding your mix bus and see if they align. If they don't (which they did not) start searching for the issue in the misaligned bus or folder.

Hope that helps!

Ralph (FabFilter)
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