FabFilter User Forum

FabFilter Twin3 "Latch" (Stuck trigger) Issue Cubase13Pro


I have fabfilter twin 3 and I love it. However, I am having serious issues with it.
When using the arpeggio option it gets stuck. Nothing I do stops the perpetual trigger.
It locks up and even when I stop project play, it continues to play. It ruins the whole experience when you have to kill cubase and reopen. It happens every time I use twin3
So I cannot use it until the issue is resolved.

Latch is off, it's a glitch in twin 3 because even when project is stopped it continually triggers.
I I turn arpeggiator it stops, but as soon as I reactivate it sticks. If I change the preset it continues into the next and the next.


Samuel Lauzon

Hi Samuel,

What OS version are you running? Are you on the latest version of Twin 3?

Ralph (FabFilter)
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