FabFilter User Forum
Pro-MB: Resizing problems and crashes on WaveLab Pro 12.0.20 (Win, VST3, 4K)
When inserting Pro-MB as a clip effect in an audio montage in WaveLab Pro 12, the UI keeps enlarging and when trying to tame the plugin window size, WaveLab crashes at some point.
Patrick Schönbach — May 12, 2024
Could you try entering the code below in the Terminal app? Please don't forget to include the "" at the end:
defaults write com.fabfilter.Pro-MB.1 ScalingAdjustments ""
Please let me know if this resolves your issue.
Where do I find the Terminal on Windows?
Pro-L 2 has the same problem. Other plugins possibly, too.
Sorry, thought you were on Mac. Windows does not have a Terminal, but you can change it in the registry.
Go to the search bar next to the start button and search for registry editor. In the registry navigate to:
There's a file there called ScalingAdjustments. You can open it and remove any value in the Value date field.
Same would go for Pro-L 2 in its own folder. Please let me know if that helps.
Actually, there are no entries named "ScalingAdjustments" in both cases at the path mentioned above.
Are you running the latest version of Pro-MB?
Sorry for the late reply. Yes, all plugins are the latest version.
To me, it looks like the plugins are displayed far too large when the audio montage is loaded in WaveLab 12 and the plugin is displayed. If one resizes the plugin to a reasonable size, it will be too large again the next time the plugin gets displayed.