FabFilter User Forum

Pro R 2 not available in CuBase even thought it is visible in plugin manager

I've just upgraded from Pro R to Pro R 2. The installation went fine and I can see the plugin within plugin manager inside CuBase. When I add a new effects track, I don't see it in the list of available plugins. I can see all my other Fabfilter plugins, including Pro R, but not Pro R 2. Any ideas?

Paul Gath

Have you filtered your plug-in list in the Plug-In Manager?

If you find it in Plug-In Manager and select it, Cubase will show you where it is in the list on the right of the manager - select the + in the top right corner and choose 'Add All Plugins' to create a new list with everything you have installed visible.

If R2 is there, you should now see it in the 'Inserts' lists.

Dan Johnson
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