FabFilter User Forum

R2 GUI, everything is more difficult to see than with any other FF GUI. Any adjustment available?

I have been using the Pro Bundle for more than a decade. I thought I had enough reverbs but was excited to buy and try R2, so I finally downloaded and installed it.

My first impression was not positive. The presets sound unfamiliar at best and gimmicky at worst.

I figured I would have to learn how to use the adjustments to find sounds I liked, and that would be ok.

However, this particular GUI seems especially difficult to view because it is so dark. I find it incredibly uncomfortable.

Is there a GUI brightness adjustment hidden somewhere?

If not, I will have to pass on R2.

Please advise.

Thank you!


Can you please remove my name and email from the previous post?

Thank you!


Thank you for deleting the name etc.

Is the GUI's standard darkness really the only choice? I was hoping to find a gamma adjustment or something hidden as an option.

Pro-Q is the only EQ I have used in the past decade. Pro-C is my go to Compressor. If I need a De-Esser I use Pro-DS before trying anything else. I use Pro-MB but don't need multiband that much. Same for Pro-G. I use Pro-L as well, but onlt occasionally.

I'd like to add a Pro-R2 license and learn what it does best.

I would like to buy a license, but I do not want to be frustrated by difficulty viewing the parameter controls.

If there is currently no gamma adjustment, please consider this observation and the idea that not everyone is working in a darkened room with dilated pupils.

Thank you.


it's bright orange on dark blue, it's very contrasty compared to some other plugins. I find it really similar to ProQ3 in contrast and brightness.


It is easy to quantify the differences by making screenshots of the display GUIs and then comparing light value histograms of each.


R2 is the darkest of the darkness.
Q3 is almost as dark but still less dark, and notably, the knobs are comfortably bright.
C2 is the brightest and, for my use, the most comfortable to view.

I would just like an option to make R2 brighter and, even better, also have an option to switch to using the old-fashioned R1 knobs.

Fabfilter once exemplified fashion-follows-form, but with the R2 gui, I would opine that it has succumbed to a form-follows-fashion mindset.

Thank you!


When I first read this I thought, "The things people have the energy to complain about!".

Then I compared the Pro-R and Pro-R 2 interfaces side by side and it's actually true that the Pro-R interface is slightly easier to read. The decay rate graph and its labels are a little brighter, the background gradient for the knob row is a bit brighter, and the big white knob position indicators are a little easier to read.

I still think you're greatly exaggerating and the GUI of Pro-R 2 is fine, really.

Side note: The phrase you're looking for is "form follows function".


@1234: i'm aware that Pro-R2 is darker - but knobs aside, having a darker background means more contrast, no?

Anyway, i'm not sure if you're aware but at least on macOS, you can access graphic files inside the plugin and edit them. Not everything is there because some things are hard-coded, but things like labels and knobs can be might brighter.


Speaking for myself, and my interpretation of what you are saying about contrast, I would like to explain that contrast does not necessarily equate to greater visual comfort.

Fabfilter's GUIs have, in fact, previously demonstrated how a subdued contrast design can enhance legibility and visual relaxation. A benchmark has been set years ago... by FabFilter no less.

The contrast you describe is not comfortable for me, which undermines the legibility, and usability.

As I explained, I do not work in a darkened room, so my eyes are not dilated. FWIW, the brightest orange portions of the Pro-R2 GUI are approximately 46% luminance, which is not bright, it just looks bright when your pupils attempt to gather more light from the blackened display.

I am not aware that you can access graphics files for FabFilter GUIs. Do you use a resource hacker, or are MacOS builds just different from Windows builds?

In any event, I am just asking about the possibility of an option that would boost the gamma, so everyone can be happy.

Thank you.


I understand your concerns and agree that having a gamma setting would be welcome.

On Mac, you can simply open .component or .vst as "package" and all the PNGs are accessible in the Resources subfolder.

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