FabFilter User Forum

Twin 3 on iPad, no way to hit oscillator remove button

Loving Twin 3 on the iPad, but a few things in the UI are quite small even when I’m full screened on an iPad Pro. For most of these, I can just do it with my finger if I try a few times, but even with a pencil I cannot hit the ‘X’ button on the top right of an oscillator to remove it. The tap area of the oscillator pan seems to extend past the button. As far as I can tell it is not possible to actually activate this button.

I would suggest moving the button slightly to the right and increasing its tap area slightly.


I have the same problem for 'x' closing on Ipad pro.

"One of the best features in FabFilter Twin 3 is the way you set up modulation connections with drag-and-drop"

But the most useful controls for this are too small to use with finger.
It is difficult to select center plug vs control depth and the tweaking is lost.

I reported this to Fabfilter support.
I think you could do the same.

Easier to reach controls are just as desirable on desktop applications, I hope they work in this direction.

In the mean time we can use Auria host which show biggers controls and also IOS zoom in/out but this is not what we really want. (The x closing don't work with zoom).


for Auria I have omitted one thing : we have to go to settings and set optimize for Ipad Pro to off.

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