FabFilter User Forum

VST3 in Reaper

My Fabfilter plug-ins (all of them, I own 5) work fine with REAPER in the VST2 version but not in the VST3 version. With VST3, The plug-in is correctly opened with the beautiful GUI and a preset but it is impossible to change any parameters. All seem good on the GUI but all actions have no influence to modify the effect. I have not this trouble with some others tools (Soundforge, Cubase elements...). But I have not this problem with all my others VST3 plug-ins with Reaper and I own probably more that one hundred... My trouble is only focused when I use the combination Reaper/fabfilter VST3...
Have y any idea ?


That is very puzzling, are you using the latest version of REAPER and our plug-ins? Mac or Windows?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Yes all is up to date

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