FabFilter User Forum

December 2023 udpate breaks Favourites in Twin3

So I updated today to the December 19 2023 versions.
In Cubendo vst3 on both mac silicon and pc, it broke the favourited information of the previous version (that is it lost which patches I had favourited for the most part).
So I cursed a bit and decided to renew it..
That was going good for awhile then this update lost the favourited info too.

Richard Patterson

Hi Richard,

In Twin 3.03, we changed this system to store the favorites in a Favorites.txt file in the root of the preset library. (Previously they were stored in the local preset cache.) This makes it easier to move presets to a different system and have an overview of all favorites -- you can also manually edit the file if you want to.

When Twin 3.03 first runs, it will convert the old favorites to the new format. I just tested that and it worked well for me. So there must be something specific on your system that causes this.

What is not clear to me: did the previous 3.02 update broke the favorites, and the 3.03 update did the same? Or did updating to 3.03 break it, and then later the favorites were gone again?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi Frederik, yes I realised the change.
Is the June/July update the 3.02 update?

I would happily send you the presetcache.dat file or whatever it is called cause I usually save that elsewhere... It happened on both my mac and pc, and for sure it happened with this update.
How I know? I used twin3 up to a few days ago on the mac and the favourites were there.. After I updated the mac to the update from yesterday I noticed it, so I went to the pc to see what favourites I had stored. They were as I remembered, but was too much work to write them all down to match on the mac, so I updated anyway and sure enough most of the favourited information disappeared (similar to the mac).
I can send you the presetcache.dat if you so desire.


Richard Patterson
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