FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q3 Bug


When using Pro Q3 on Windows 10 in Ableton Live 11, I'm experiencing issues with EQ controls at the bottom not displaying when scaling is enabled to 125% and the size is set to "small".

This will continuously happen whenever I re-open the plugin or copy and paste it elsewhere.

The eq controls display correctly in "medium" size.

Rory Alcantar

Hi Rory,

The parameter display at the bottom is not shown when the interface is set to small. The parameters would cover a large part of the analyzer, which would make the analyzer unusable. When set to small you can only use the mouse controls in the analyzer.

Ralph (FabFilter)

Actually, hiding the band controls only happens in Mini mode. In Small mode, the controls should be shown but with some scaling settings like 125%, this doesn't happen. We're going to fix this in the next update.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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