FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q3: Disable Low Cut below a certain value


In Ableton Live, I'm trying to map a macro to a Low Cut filter in Pro-Q3.

When the macro is all the way down to "0", I want the filter to be totally disabled. When it's > 0, I want it to be enabled.

Unfortunately, it seems impossible to do with the "enabled/disabled" values that I can map from the plugin.

Do you know any option to map a macro to a "enabled/disabled" value like this:
- 0 means "disabled"
- 1 to 127 means "enabled"

Another option would be to tell Q3 to "automatically disable this band below a certain frequency": is that achievable ?

Thanks a lot !

Bruno RZN

Hi Bruno,

I can map a macro to e.g. the Band 1 Enabled parameter in Pro-Q 3 without any problem. But the cutoff happens around the 63 value.

You could achieve something like you are after by setting up two chains with different Pro-Q settings on them, and switching between them by mapping a macro to the chain timeline.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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