FabFilter User Forum

Pro-R2: Looking for clarity on supported IR formats

I'm really enjoying Pro-R2 for all of its new features, but I was especially excited to try out the new IR -> algorithmic reverb interpreter. However, when I try to import many of the IRs in my collection, I get a "Failed to import IR: Unsupported audio format" dialogue. It works for some files, but not others — yet all that I've tested are stereo WAVs.

I realize that this feature is designed to recreate room impulses, and not more experimental/rhythmic impulses, but I was curious to see what Pro-R2 would make of some weirder offerings.

Is there a guideline of what sort of files it will accept? Is it limited by total length, or some other metric? Thanks!

Mendel Skulski

Hi Mendel,

The IR import feature is really only intended for convolution reverb impulse responses, so an impulse response captured by measuring an actual room. If the warning is shown, you can still use the result of course: this just indicates that our algorithm thinks that this might not be a straightforward room impulse.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks Frederik. That makes sense, although I might suggest including some of that explanatory language in the warning dialogue. "Unsupported format" implies something to do with the file type or channel count.

I presume the algorithm is rejecting anything it detects as having something other than a smooth-ish decay.

As it happens, I can't actually use the results of a failed import. I get flat EQ and decay curves. FWIW I'm on M1 and Reaper 7.05. I'll see if there's any difference between the AU and VST3.

Mendel Skulski

Hi Mendel,

Ah, now I see that you're getting a different message than I expected. The Unsupported format message is shown if the actual WAV file cannot be imported. Can you share a file that doesn't work (e.g. via email or a link) so we can try it ourselves?


Frederik (FabFilter)

In case you're trying to load a four-channel WAV file: we only support mono or stereo (1- or 2-channel) IR impulses.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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