FabFilter User Forum

R2: True Stereo IR Import

I’m thrilled with the IR import feature, and am wondering if there is a method for importing a true stereo IR. Specifically, four channels on two stereo wav files: L>L, R>R, L>R, and R>L.

I thought that this would be possible, because R2 can be a true stereo reverb with the width control, but am not sure how to do it.

If it’s not possible to import or blend two stereo captures at once, could two instances of R2, one with the L IR and one with the R IR, be used to replicate the effect of a true stereo convolution reverb? Any advice on how to set that up?


Hi Randy,

The IR import feature in Pro-R 2 doesn't perfectly replicate the IR: it's better to think of it as a way to achieve the character, reverberation and damping of a space, rather than a perfect replica. For that, you really need a convolution IR. What we give you is a way to get that character into an algorithmic reverb with all the benefits of being able to tweak and change the character.

Of course, Pro-R 2 will feed L>R and R>L internally already and the stereo width parameter will be set to an appropriate value depending on the width of the imported IR file. But you shouldn't expect to exactly reproduce the channel cross-feeding from the imported files.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I wonder and would love to know how the IR interpretation in the "import" works technically. Is there a neural net application working under the hood, similar to Synplant 2 Genopatch?

Gerhard Schwarz
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