FabFilter User Forum

Fabfilter Reverb 2 presets


In FabFilter Reverb 2 that when selecting a preset there is a list of instruments etc, as small tabs each with a small delete cross. Most of the other reverb presets have instruments listed.

I thought these might be part of the preset sound , so deleted them leaving just the instrument I wanted. But this made no difference to the sound.

I think this was a mistake and they are just informational - advising what instruments can benefit from the reverb setting? Is this correct?

Is there any way of restoring the small tabs I deleted?


Barry Hill

Maybe delete and re-install Pro-R 2?

Michael Weber

Hi Barry,

You have simply removed the tags for those presets. You can try restoring the factory presets from the gear icon in the preset bowser.

Ralph (FabFilter)
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