FabFilter User Forum

Pro-R 2: please add FLAC support and IR file browser

A lot of my IR files are in FLAC format and can't be imported straight into Pro-R 2. The plug-in would also benefit greatly from an IR file browser with the ability to set a default folder for the IR files and being able to preview the impulse responses within the browser. For example Kilohearts' Convolver does this nicely.

Right now the IR side of things is pretty cumbersome and its UX implementation seems like an afterthought, which is kinda weird considering how intuitive and easy R 2 is in other respects (like not having to mess with early/late diffusion or multiple damping settings, the ability to eq both the verb and the decay etc etc).

Great upgrade all in all nonetheless, insta-bought it based on the demo video! Now let's make it really shine shall we? ;)

Dog Bank
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