FabFilter User Forum

Pro-R2 Gating / Ducking attack / release time?

Thank you so much for building the Gating and Ducking features right into Pro-R2. So convenient! I upgraded immediately when I found out about these. ^_^

Now, though, the Auto Gate's release time seems very sharp - it feels more like a cut than a drop. The slider seems to work more like a Hold/Sustain length than release time. So I would like to be able to tweak the release length or curve.

Same with the ducking. I'm really happy the feature is in, but I don't seem to be able to adjust how fast it responds - I only get access to the ducking amount / depth. And sometimes it feels too slow to release. I'd like access to the attack and release times on the ducking as well.

Thank you.

Peter Hajba

Unfortunately this will never happen. Just like people asked for adjustable attack & release times in Pro Q3 for the dynamic eq and were told that FF likes to keep things uncomplicated and it won't ever happen. Pro R2 could have been a real game changer but I feel FF missed the mark in so many areas.

John Sienkiewicz

The sharp closing of the gate doesn't really sound useful or musical. That's why I'm also interested in whether there will be an improvement in the next update so that you can adjust the release time. Could Fabfilter perhaps say something about that?

Marco Silbermann

We'll consider it for future updates!


Frederik (FabFilter)
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