FabFilter User Forum

Circular multichannel setup suitability

I'm wondering if Pro-L 2, Pro-Q 3 but especially the new Pro-R 2 are suitable for a multichannel setup that's arrange in a circular way?

I've got access to an 8-channel setup that's arranged in a circle.
So there's no front and back because all directions are treated equally.
The context for this is electroacoustic music.

The plugins seems to have some sort setup in mind with Center, Left, Right and LFE.
Can I still use these plugins If I just select the option to include the LFE channel as that is exluded in processing by default?
Or do the plugins, especially Pro-R 2, treat channels differently from one another by default?

I'm fine with the channels being labeled differently from my setup and obviously the tilt feature of Pro R 2 not working as intended but are there any other things that make these plugins unsuitable for my setup or that I would have to keep in mind?

I would appreciate any insight into this as I don't have access to the setup all the time to test things out myself.

Jasper W.
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