FabFilter User Forum

Fabfilter Pro Q 3 Automation Bug in Ableton?


I have been working on a few projects on my Ableton Live 11 and I found out that sometimes when I make an automation in pro q3 (for example filtering out the lows,increasing the high pass filter frequency knob) the automation seems odd.
On the plugin itself the automation works, so I see the highpass shelf moving but the sound does not get affected by the highpass Or it get high passed but lot less than the actual value.

I'm on M1 Mac with Ableton Live 11.3, anyone else got this bug?



We've seen a similar issue with Volcano 3. Could you send a small video showing the issue and a project file to info@fabfilter.com?

Ralph (FabFilter)

Strange : I'm using ProQ3 massively in Ableton Live 11.3 and never experienced such an issue.
The thing I actually prefer with this plugin is its stability and the fact it's always glitch free.
I just did a test to be sure, and it's working correctly for me.

I'm on a M1 mac, Monterey 12.7, using Ableton Live 11.3.10 and the vst3 version of ProQ3.

Do you have the same specs ?
Is it always reproductible, or only in specific situations ?

I'm interested about that : I don't want to have some spoiled sessions because of an hidden bug...


I believe it happens only on a few projects, not all.
And yeah in the few cursed project it happens 99% of the time when automating the filter, I even had to resample some part of my drum bus because of it.

I'm on Ableton 11.3 M1 Mac 12.5 Monterey

Tomorrow I will try send you guys a video + the project file



Here is a little video of the bug
hope everyone understands it



I had some similar automation problems with Soundtoys plugins in the past. My solution was (which worked for allmost any plugin) to put my vst to Ableton Effect Rack and then map the one of the macro to vsts parameter and then automate the Macro directly. that solution worked every time. I would suggest to try this one.


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